Above: Elegant Trogon by Bryan Patrick / Audubon Photography Awards
Spring in Southeastern Arizona
May 1 to 7, 2023
This trip is now full. Please join the wait list below. We will contact you if a space opens and will collect your payment at that time.
Painted Redstart, by Theresa Bayoud; Pyrrhuloxia, by Darla Outhout; Greater Roadrunner, by Trudy Walden.
Georgia Audubon Host: Melanie Furr, Director of Education
Local Guide: Ken Blankenship and Allee Forsberg, East-West Birding Tours
Group Size: Maximum group size of 8 participants
Georgia Audubon Member Price: $2,950* per person
Non-member Price: $3,000* per person (includes a one-year Georgia Audubon membership)
Single Supplement: +$620
*Based on double occupancy
*Due to lodging constraints, we will only be able to offer 6 spaces for shared rooms with two beds. You will specify the type of shared room you prefer during the registration process:
Pre-Trip Meeting: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 7:00 PM via Zoom
Lodging Note: Depending on group construction, single travelers wishing to share a room may be asked to pay a single supplement if we are unable to pair you with another guest. All efforts will be made to pair individuals to avoid this expense, though it cannot be guaranteed. Impacted travelers, should they decide to cancel, will be reimbursed following the cancellation policy below.
Ask any American birder to name their favorite regional birding destination and a significant percentage would choose southeastern Arizona. Within this relatively small, compact region, you can visit Sonoran Desert, oak woodland, high-elevation conifer forest, and riparian areas. The list of special species is long, but a few highlights are Montezuma Quail, Gray Hawk, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, Arizona Woodpecker, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Olive Warbler, Rufous-winged Sparrow, and Yellow-eyed Junco.
Join Georgia Audubon and East-West Birding Tours for this amazing trip!
Local Guide: Ken Blankenship and Allee Forsberg, East-West Birding Tours
Group Size: Maximum group size of 8 participants
Georgia Audubon Member Price: $2,950* per person
Non-member Price: $3,000* per person (includes a one-year Georgia Audubon membership)
Single Supplement: +$620
*Based on double occupancy
*Due to lodging constraints, we will only be able to offer 6 spaces for shared rooms with two beds. You will specify the type of shared room you prefer during the registration process:
- Single Supplement - Select this option if you would like to be the only person in your room. (+$620)
- Shared Room with Two Beds - Select this option if you would like two beds in your room. We will pair you with another traveler, or you can let us know who you would like to share your room with.
- Shared Room with One Bed - Select this option if you are traveling with a companion and the two of you will share a room with one bed.
Pre-Trip Meeting: Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 7:00 PM via Zoom
Lodging Note: Depending on group construction, single travelers wishing to share a room may be asked to pay a single supplement if we are unable to pair you with another guest. All efforts will be made to pair individuals to avoid this expense, though it cannot be guaranteed. Impacted travelers, should they decide to cancel, will be reimbursed following the cancellation policy below.
Ask any American birder to name their favorite regional birding destination and a significant percentage would choose southeastern Arizona. Within this relatively small, compact region, you can visit Sonoran Desert, oak woodland, high-elevation conifer forest, and riparian areas. The list of special species is long, but a few highlights are Montezuma Quail, Gray Hawk, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, Arizona Woodpecker, Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Olive Warbler, Rufous-winged Sparrow, and Yellow-eyed Junco.
Join Georgia Audubon and East-West Birding Tours for this amazing trip!
[email protected]Please contact Melanie Furr by email with any questions.
Please Note: Credit card processing fees are now included in the registration price.
Please Note: Credit card processing fees are now included in the registration price.
trip overview
Click on each day for more information.
DAY 1: Arrive in Tucson
Participants should plan to arrive to Tucson no later than 12:00 PM local time, where we will be greeted at the airport by local guides Ken and Allee in our 15-person passenger van and then head for a quick lunch. Following lunch, we'll begin the drive to Madera Canyon, nestled on the northern slopes of the Santa Rita Mountains. This area, about 30 miles south of Tucson, is one of southern Arizona’s beautiful wooded canyons with high birding appeal. After checking into our lodging, we will do some nearby birding before dinner. Target bird species for day one include several hummingbird species such as Rivoli's, Black-chinned, Anna's, Broad-tailed, and Broad-billed; Acorn Woodpecker and Arizona Woodpecker; Mexican Jay; orioles such as Hooded, Bullock's, and Scott's Oriole; Painted Redstart; tanagers such as Hepatic, Summer, and Western Tanager; Black-headed Grosbeak; Elf Owl; and more.
Overnight: Santa Rita Lodge
Overnight: Santa Rita Lodge
Day 2: Madera Canyon
After a continental breakfast, we will embark on the day's birding adventure. We'll plan to visit Florida Canyon and upper Madera Canyon in the morning, with a picnic lunch in the middle of the day before returning to our lodging to rest, refresh, and potentially bird the feeders. Target birds for the day include several hummingbird species, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Northern Beardless Tyrannulet, many different flycatchers such as Hammond's, Gray, Dusky, Pacific-slope, Vermilion, Dusky-capped, Ash-throated, and Brown-crested Flycatcher; Crissal Thrasher; Phainopepla; sparrows; towhees; orioles; Grace's Warbler; Black-throated Gray Warbler; Townsend's Warbler; Hermit Warbler; Red-faced Warbler; and more. After dinner, we'll head out for some evening birding in hopes of catching a glimpse of an Elf Owl, Mexican Whip-poor-will, and Whiskered Screech-Owl.
Overnight: Santa Rita Lodge
Overnight: Santa Rita Lodge
Day 3: Patagonia & Paton center for hummingbirds
After an early continental breakfast, we'll kick-off the morning with birding at Patagonia Lake State Park. Tucked away in the rolling hills, Patagonia State Park is an ideal place to see birds like the Inca Dove, Canyon Towhee, Vermilion Flycatcher, and several species of hummingbirds. After a quick lunch stop, we'll visit the Paton Center for Hummingbirds, which provides excellent hummingbird viewing at feeders behind a former private residence. We will also plan to visit Sonoita Creek Preserve before driving to Fort Huachuca. Target birds include Mexican Duck, Inca Dove, Vaux's Swift, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Anna's Hummingbird, Costa's Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Rufous Hummingbird, Calliope Hummingbird, Broad-billed Hummingbird, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Neotropic Cormorant, Common Black Hawk, Gray Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Zone-tailed Hawk, Western Screech-Owl, Cassin's Kingbird, Thick-billed Kingbird, Western Kingbird, Bell's Vireo, Hutton's Vireo, Cassin's Vireo, Plumbeous Vireo, Black-capped Gnatcatcher, Rock Wren, Canyon Wren, Marsh Wren, Bewick's Wren, Cactus Wren, Rufous-winged Sparrow, Brewer's Sparrow, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Hepatic Tanager, Summer Tanager, Western Tanager, Pyrrhuloxia, Black-headed Grosbeak, and more.
Overnight: Casa de San Pedro Bed & Breakfast
Overnight: Casa de San Pedro Bed & Breakfast
Day 4: San Pedro River Valley & Huachucas
We will begin day four birding on the San Pedro River and at either Miller or Ramsey Canyon, depending on what is being reported on eBird. After a picnic lunch, we'll visit Lower Hunter or Lower Carr before checking out the amazing diversity of birds at Battiste’s Bed, Breakfast & Birds. After an early dinner, we'll take an evening excursion to look for Elf Owls and Whiskered Screeh Owls. Other target birds for the day include Lesser Nighthawk, Common Poorwill, Lucifer & other hummingbirds, Mexican Spotted Owl, Whiskered Screech Owl, Western Screech-Owl, Mountain (Northern) Pygmy Owl, Elf Owl, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Buff-breasted Flycatcher, Black Phoebe, Say's Phoebe, Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, Steller's Jay, Chihuahuan Raven, Bridled Titmouse, Bushtit, Olive Warbler, Black-chinned Sparrow, Green-tailed Towhee, Lilian's Eastern Meadowlark, MacGillivray's Warbler, and Rufous-capped Warbler.
This San Pedro River Valley comprises a riparian corridor around 40 miles long, following the San Pedro River as it flows north from Mexico to join the Gila River. The line of trees creates a lush ribbon of green in a dry environment. Not only does the area provide home for breeding birds, it acts as a figurative highway for migrants in spring and fall. The Huachucas are one of Arizona's “sky islands,” where a mountain range rises from a surrounding “sea” of desert and grassland. Like the Chiricahuas to the east, the Huachucas truly own a legendary birding reputation.
Overnight: Casa de San Pedro Bed & Breakfast
This San Pedro River Valley comprises a riparian corridor around 40 miles long, following the San Pedro River as it flows north from Mexico to join the Gila River. The line of trees creates a lush ribbon of green in a dry environment. Not only does the area provide home for breeding birds, it acts as a figurative highway for migrants in spring and fall. The Huachucas are one of Arizona's “sky islands,” where a mountain range rises from a surrounding “sea” of desert and grassland. Like the Chiricahuas to the east, the Huachucas truly own a legendary birding reputation.
Overnight: Casa de San Pedro Bed & Breakfast
Day 5: San Pedro River Valley & Huachucas continued
Depending on birds being seen in the area, this may be an early start for us. If we haven't already done so, we'll visit Fort Huachuca, where we have the chance of picking up Montezuma Quail and Elegant Trogon. That afternoon, we will head to Willcox, AZ, to look for shorebirds along Lake Cochise.
Target species for the day will include waterfowl, Greater Roadrunner, a number of hummingbird and shorebird species, Burrowing Owl, Elegant Trogon, raptors, Buff-breasted and other flycatchers, Violet-green Swallow, Bendire's Thrasher, sparrows, Yellow-breasted Chat, and more.
Overnight: Arizona Sunset Inn & Suites-Willcox (or similar)
Target species for the day will include waterfowl, Greater Roadrunner, a number of hummingbird and shorebird species, Burrowing Owl, Elegant Trogon, raptors, Buff-breasted and other flycatchers, Violet-green Swallow, Bendire's Thrasher, sparrows, Yellow-breasted Chat, and more.
Overnight: Arizona Sunset Inn & Suites-Willcox (or similar)
Day 6: Chiricahuas
After an early continental breakfast, we'll head towards the town of Portal, visiting Bob Rodriguez’s Yard, sometimes called the Jasper Feeders. They were a gift from the land owner to birders of the world. The previous owner (The Jasper Family) started the feeders years ago, and the new owners have graciously maintained the tradition. We'll also visit downtown Portal, a tiny community on the eastern slope of the Chiracahuas that is a very popular birding area.
Other spots we may visit include Turkey Creek, Barfoot Junction & Rustler Park, and Lee-Clark feeder station. Later, we'll drive to Tucson and check into a hotel near the airport. Target birds include Blue-throated Mountain-Gem and other hummers, Golden Eagle, Northern Goshawk, Thick-billed Kingbird, Mexican Chickadee, Juniper Titmouse, Pygmy Nuthatch, Crissal Thrasher, Phainopepla, Olive Warbler, Yellow-eyed Junco, Orange-crowned, Lucy's, Virginia's, MacGillivray's and other warblers, and more.
We will make our way back towards Tucson late in the day, ending up at an airport-area hotel for easy access to flights home for departure the next day.
Overnight: Holiday Day Inn Express-Tucson Airport (or similar)
Other spots we may visit include Turkey Creek, Barfoot Junction & Rustler Park, and Lee-Clark feeder station. Later, we'll drive to Tucson and check into a hotel near the airport. Target birds include Blue-throated Mountain-Gem and other hummers, Golden Eagle, Northern Goshawk, Thick-billed Kingbird, Mexican Chickadee, Juniper Titmouse, Pygmy Nuthatch, Crissal Thrasher, Phainopepla, Olive Warbler, Yellow-eyed Junco, Orange-crowned, Lucy's, Virginia's, MacGillivray's and other warblers, and more.
We will make our way back towards Tucson late in the day, ending up at an airport-area hotel for easy access to flights home for departure the next day.
Overnight: Holiday Day Inn Express-Tucson Airport (or similar)
Day 7: Departure
After an early continental breakfast at the hotel, we'll take the hotel shuttle to the airport for our flights home. We'll bid a fond, tired farewell after an amazing week of Southeastern Arizona birding!
Bushtit, by Devin Grady; Broad-billed Hummingbird and Ladder-backed Woodpecker, by Dan Vickers.
Additional Details
Price Includes:
Price does not include:
Payment Plan:
Participants may pay in full by choosing the Georgia Audubon Member or Non-Member price. For those who wish to pay in two installments, we will accept a $500 down-payment at the time of registration ($550 for non-members). Payment in full will be due by January 15, 2023. The single supplement will also be billed at the time of final payment if that option was selected.
The tour will begin with pick-up by our local guides at the Tucson International Airport at 12:00 PM on Monday, May 1, 2023. Our final hotel of the trip will be located convenient to the airport with an airport shuttle, so departure flights can be scheduled for anytime on Sunday, May 7, 2023, or thereafter. We cannot guarantee the time we will arrive back into Tucson on Saturday, May 6, so please do not book flights before Sunday, May 7, 2023.
COVID-19 Travel Precautions:
Until further notice, all participants in the Georgia Audubon Travel Program must be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 at the time of their travel date. According to the CDC, individuals are considered fully vaccinated when they have received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccine and a booster. Some people may be eligible to receive two boosters, but a second booster is not required to travel with Georgia Audubon at this time. Participants will also be expected to adhere to all local travel guidelines and restrictions at the destination at the time of travel. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with the COVID-19 travel precautions, please do not register for this event at this time.
Cancellation Policy:
If notice of cancellation by the participant is received by December 20, 2022, a refund of all payments made will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). If notice of cancellation is received between December 21, 2022, and January 22, 2023, a 50% refund of the tour fee will be given unless the space(s) can be filled, in which case a full refund will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). Thereafter, all deposits and payments are non-refundable unless the space(s) can be filled, in which case a full refund will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). In the event of tour cancellation due to weather, strike, war, quarantine, or other unforeseen emergency situation, a 100% refund will be given, less any expenses incurred by the tour operator.
We encourage participants to tip our East-West Birding Tour guides for exceptional service. While tipping is never expected, if you feel that your guide(s) went above and beyond, you are welcome to leave them with a gratuity. Tips at restaurants are included in the cost of the tour.
Travel Insurance:
We do not require travel insurance. However, we highly recommend buying it, as it is relatively inexpensive and can protect you from unforeseen costs associated with missed, delayed, or canceled flights, sudden illness, medical evacuation, damaged equipment, or other unexpected issues. Note that in some circumstances, such as if you have preexisting medical conditions, travel insurance must be purchased within 1-2 weeks of paying the trip deposit.
Terms and Conditions:
Please review the Georgia Audubon Travel Program Terms and Conditions prior to registration.
- All meals and drinks (excluding alcoholic beverages) from lunch on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 7.
- All ground transportation, including pick-up and drop-off at airport. We will be traveling by a 15-passenger van. A cooler with water will be available on the van at all times.
- Hotel accommodations for 6 nights. (Please note that some of our destinations are very remote with some lodge/cabin-style overnight accommodations. Due to lodging contstraints, we will only have 6 spaces available for shared rooms with double beds.)
- Expert local guides.
- All park entrance fees.
Price does not include:
- Airfare
- Tips (for the local guide(s), housekeeping, etc.)
- Alcoholic or specialty beverages
- Optional activities
- Snacks
- Laundry
- Travel insurance, recommended
- Medical costs
- Souvenirs
- Other incidentals participants may wish to purchase
Payment Plan:
Participants may pay in full by choosing the Georgia Audubon Member or Non-Member price. For those who wish to pay in two installments, we will accept a $500 down-payment at the time of registration ($550 for non-members). Payment in full will be due by January 15, 2023. The single supplement will also be billed at the time of final payment if that option was selected.
The tour will begin with pick-up by our local guides at the Tucson International Airport at 12:00 PM on Monday, May 1, 2023. Our final hotel of the trip will be located convenient to the airport with an airport shuttle, so departure flights can be scheduled for anytime on Sunday, May 7, 2023, or thereafter. We cannot guarantee the time we will arrive back into Tucson on Saturday, May 6, so please do not book flights before Sunday, May 7, 2023.
COVID-19 Travel Precautions:
Until further notice, all participants in the Georgia Audubon Travel Program must be fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 at the time of their travel date. According to the CDC, individuals are considered fully vaccinated when they have received their primary series of COVID-19 vaccine and a booster. Some people may be eligible to receive two boosters, but a second booster is not required to travel with Georgia Audubon at this time. Participants will also be expected to adhere to all local travel guidelines and restrictions at the destination at the time of travel. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with the COVID-19 travel precautions, please do not register for this event at this time.
Cancellation Policy:
If notice of cancellation by the participant is received by December 20, 2022, a refund of all payments made will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). If notice of cancellation is received between December 21, 2022, and January 22, 2023, a 50% refund of the tour fee will be given unless the space(s) can be filled, in which case a full refund will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). Thereafter, all deposits and payments are non-refundable unless the space(s) can be filled, in which case a full refund will be given (less a $50 administrative fee). In the event of tour cancellation due to weather, strike, war, quarantine, or other unforeseen emergency situation, a 100% refund will be given, less any expenses incurred by the tour operator.
We encourage participants to tip our East-West Birding Tour guides for exceptional service. While tipping is never expected, if you feel that your guide(s) went above and beyond, you are welcome to leave them with a gratuity. Tips at restaurants are included in the cost of the tour.
Travel Insurance:
We do not require travel insurance. However, we highly recommend buying it, as it is relatively inexpensive and can protect you from unforeseen costs associated with missed, delayed, or canceled flights, sudden illness, medical evacuation, damaged equipment, or other unexpected issues. Note that in some circumstances, such as if you have preexisting medical conditions, travel insurance must be purchased within 1-2 weeks of paying the trip deposit.
Terms and Conditions:
Please review the Georgia Audubon Travel Program Terms and Conditions prior to registration.