Above: Tree Swallow by Kathryn Keith
gifts in honor / in memory
Honor a loved one’s memory or commemorate a holiday, birthday, wedding, or other special occasion with your donation to Birds Georgia. Your honoree (or designated acknowledgee) will be notified of your gift but will not receive ongoing communication from Birds Georgia. To honor or to gift someone with full membership benefits, please give a Gift Membership instead.
Honor the memory of someone special with a donation in remembrance. We’ll notify their loved ones of your gift, which allows their legacy to live on by making a lasting impact on Georgia's birds. Consider this meaningful way to pay your final respects. |
Honor a birthday, wedding, or other special moment with a donation to help protect Georgia's birds. We will notify the recipient of your gift, and your honoree won’t receive other ongoing communication from us. |
Questions? Please contact us by email for more information or for assistance with your gift.